viernes, mayo 11, 2007

La escritora Siri Hustvedt, esposa de Paul Auster, está participando en el festival literario Franschhoek Literary Festival, en Sudáfrica. Cape Times publica una entrevista con la autora, en la que habla de sus libros y de la relación literaria del matrimonio Auster-Hustvedt.
-Do you and Paul collaborate, show each other works in progress, or is there a private secret space that you both inhabit at a certain stage of the work process?
-Before The Sorrows of an American, I hoarded my work from Paul. I was too shy to show it to him until I had a whole draft. This time, however, he's followed along, reading chunks of 40 or 50 pages at a time. He always reads to me as he writes. Every month or so he'll read aloud from the book he's working on and listen to my comments. We take each other's criticism very seriously and neither of us minces words. Brutality is the only way. But of course we really believe in each other's work, so that makes it easier. I can't think of a single time that we've not taken the other's advice.

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